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(Digital copies of the photos are now available or may be view at the Gloucester Historical Society office)

00780012003 Government house unveiling two plaques honouring William Ogilvie and J.B. Tyrell. Dawson City 1970's 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller left to right: Margaret D. Ogilvie, Mrs. E [Aucklard], and J.B. Tyrell's grand daughter Title taken from verso of photo a group of people on top of stairs gathered around a podium and a highland bag piper iin the foreground good unknown donor Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - F
0080000101 Students on grass Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher 1938 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Jean Charron, Rose Charron, Anna Kossatz, Agnes Kossatz, Claire Ritchie, Jean Stewart, & Helen Goth Title taken from image on print Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080000201 Students Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher 1938 1 print; 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Back row: Shirley Ritchie, Jean Stewart, Harold Birt, Orville Kemp, Graham Ritchie, Henry Lefebvre, Leo Desjardins, Agnes Kossatz Front row: Guay Lefebvre, Norman Robertson, Arnold Spratt, John Kelly, Anna Kossatz Title taken from image on print Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080000301 Students  Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher 1938 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Back row: Shirley Ritchie, Jean Stewart, Harold Birt, Orville Kemp, Graham Ritchie, Henry Lefebvre, Leo Desjardins, Agnes Kossatz Front row: Guay Lefebvre, Norman Robertson, Arnold Spratt, John Kelly, Anna Kossatz Title taken from image on print Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080000401 Boy Students at Lunchtime On the south side of Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher 1938 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from image on print Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080000501 All Pupils in June Leitrim Public School Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher June 1938 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Back row: L. &  V. Desjardins, R. Charron, S. Ritchie, H. Birt, J. Stewart, A. Kossatz, H. Lefebvre  Mid. Row: ?,?, A. Kossatz, ?, C. Ritchie, H. Goth, J. Kelly, N. Robinson, G. Lefebvre Front row: ?, L. Lefebvre, G. Ritchie, C. Kelly, R. Kelly Title taken from image on print Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080000601 Visitors Last Day of School Year, Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher June 1938 2 prints; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Wilson Spratt, Tom Robinson, Anna Grayburn, Mrs. Lefebvre, Mrs. Bert Ritchie, Maggie Findlay, Mrs. Tom Robinson & Tiny Ada, Mrs.Stewart, ?,?, Mrs.Robert Goth Title taken from image on print .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080000701 Boys Digging A Flower Bed for Arbour Day Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher May 1938 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Graham Ritchie, Arnold Spratt, George Lefebvre, George Ritchie (Little Boy) Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080000801 Junior Students at Arbour Day Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher May 1938 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Back row: Bobby Kemp, Reggie Kelly, Lindy Lefebvre, George Ritchie, Front row: David Ritchie, Cecil Kelly. Background: Jean Stewart (running on right) Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080000901 Girls on steps at Arbour Day Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher May 1938 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Jean Stewart, Ann Kassatz, Shirley Morgan, & Arnold Spratt (digging on right) Title Taken from Information on envelope Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080001001 3 Willing workers with hoes & wheelbarrow on Arbour day Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher May 1938 2 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Lee Dejardins, John Kelly, Norman Robinson - Barrett's across Hwy at left, No town hall, Hwy 31 narrow Title Taken from Information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080001101 Henry Lefebvre & Harold Birt on Arbour day Leitrim Public School S.S.#7 Grace (Whitemore) Johnston, teacher May 1938 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Henry Lefebvre (standing) & Harold Birt (wheelbarrow) Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Grace (Whitemore) Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080001201 Birthday Party at Rideau view School Long Island ca.1920 3 prints; 3 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Back row: Ruby Rowat, Grace Moodie, Beatrice Blair, Ruth Rowat, Claribel Eddie, Mel Rowat.  Front row: Elmer Scott, Sarah Clarke, Willa Rowat Title taken from information on envelope .1a-c are different sizes Donated by Mel Rowat, 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080001301 T.A. Spratt Family Portrait Hawthorne [ca.1920's] 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of family members The Spratt family came to this area from Leitrim, Ireland in 1827, Andrew Spratt worked on the construction of the Rideau Canal until 1832, and then bought a farm at Johnston's Corners, lot 26 Con.3 R.F. One of Andrews eight sons, Thomas Andrew, later became Reeve of Gloucester in 1927, 1928, 1929. Dying shortly after in 1930. Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement .1a Back row: Jennie, Irene, Bert, Merrick, Jim, Emla, Lottie. Front row: Gladys, (T.A.) Thomas Andrew, Francis, Jessie, Melba, Anne (mother), Whitney, Beatrice Donated by Doris Barrett, 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Elma (Spratt) Kemp was Doris (Kemp) Barrett's mother BOX - A & XA
0080001401 "Wanakewan" Docking Long Island early 1920's 3 prints; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope .1b&c are an enlargement of .1a Mrs. James Rowat, Mr.& Mrs. Forest Harris, Mel Rowat (child) Donated by Mel Rowat, 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Mike Egan was the captian of the Wanakewan, where it passed daily in the early days. Later on it only passed on weekends BOX - A
0080001501 Wedding in front of James Rowat's home Long Island 1915 3 prints; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope .1c is an enlargement of .1a&b F.Harris (groom), L. Rowat (bride), G. Leyden (maid of honour), H. Hawkins (best man) Donated by Mel Rowat Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080001601 Harris' 50th Wedding aniversay Long Island 1965 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope Lila Harris, Gertrude Leyden, Forest Harris, Harold Hawkins Donated by Mel Rowat Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080001701 Moodie Cemetary Rideauview 1977 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of people buried there Title taken from information on envelope See photo catalogue for list of names Donated by Mel Rowat, 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080001801 William Rowat Long Island [ca.1890] 2 prints; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Mr. William Rowat was born in Scotland in 1819. He came to Canada in 1826 and settled at Long Island locks in 1853. Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a, and mounted on matboard Donated by Mel Rowat, 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area used for the Long Island exhibit BOX - A & oversized
0080001901 Rowat/Moodie Family Long Island [ca.1928] 1 print; 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list  of names Title taken from information on envelope Mr. & Mrs. James Rowat, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Moodie, Mel Rowat (boy), Hugh Peterson (on ground with dog) Donated by Mel Rowat, 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area House in background belonged to Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Moodie, later owned by Winfield Gamble BOX - A
0080002001 D.G. Moodie Family Long Island Aug.27, 1923 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of family members Title taken from information on envelope See photo catalogue for list of family members Donated by Mel Rowat, 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080002101 Arthur & Mrs. Séguin in Orchard Cyrville [ca.1920] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Farm was where Maxime, Eugene, & Aurele Streets are today BOX - A
0080002201 Arthur Seguin & wife in  front of car Cyrville [ca.1930] 1print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080002301 Arthur Séguin with eggs in hand standing by his hot beds Cyrville 1950's 2 prints; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Now Maxime Street, between Séguins & the Ogilvie Barns, in the distance, now runs the Queensway BOX - A
0080002401 Mr. & Mrs. Séguin, and Friend in berrypatch Cyrville [ca.1920] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080002501 Claire Séguin in front of new truck Cyrville early 1930's 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .2 is an enlargement of .1 Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080002601 Hueston/Lawry House Farmer's (Corners) Way [ca.1890] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built by Wm. Hueston this house is situated on Russell Rd. corner of F.W. Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Joan Lowry Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080002602 Hueston/Lowry House Farmer's (Corners) Way [ca.1980] 1 print col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built by Wm. Hueston this house is situated on Russell Rd. corner of F.W. Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Joan Lowry Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080002701 Shaw or Forsyth School, S.S.#18 Carlsbad Springs N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built in 1887 on Forsyth property Lot 9, Con 7 Ottawa Front, South of Farmer's way Title taken from information on envelope Scotch tape on top of border Donated by Joan Lowry Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Mrs. Charles Kettles attended one year at Shaw School in 1910 under Miss Living BOX - A
0080002801 Piperville School Piperville N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Joan Lowry Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080002901 Ramsay House, United Church, Manse Ramsayville [1920's] 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller names of people Title taken from information on envelope .1c is an enlargement of .1a&b Rev.MacDonald in front . Margaret, his daughter is standing with Dolly the horse Donated by Joan Lowry Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080003001 Farmer's Way Presbyterian Church Farmer's (Corners) Way 1962 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built in 1876, Demolished 1962. Now Bethany United (Formerly East Gloucester & Farmer's Way Presbyterian Congregation) Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Joan Lowry Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080003101 Aurele Séguin on Cyrville Farm Cyrville N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Aurele was the son of Arthur. In distance is the Ogilvie Farm & Further off would become the Queensway BOX - A
0080003201 Séguin Home, Maxime Street Cyrville N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope 2 copies, different sizes & finishes Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080003301 St. Therese R.C. School, Group photo of Staff & Students Cyrville June 4, 1937 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller brief list of names Title taken from information on envelope Macaulay, Gravelle, Parisien, Giroux, & Seguin are some of the families represented. Father Dubeau is on the left, Father Noiseaux on the right. Sister Raymond-du-Sacre Coeur was the principal Donated by Claire and Juliette Seguin Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080003401 Mr.& Mrs. Seguin standing in cabbage patch, now Maxime Street Cyrville N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope 2 copies, different sizes & finishes Donated by Claire Séguin (Daughter), 1981 Original prints stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Maxime Street named after Maxime Séguin late 1940's early 1950's BOX - A
0080003501 Hartwell Locks At Carleton University, Col.By Drive c.1885 1 photocopy b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from caption on photocopy Public Archives of Canada Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080003601 Teskey's Cabin Prince of Wales Hwy at Hog's Back April 1981 2 prints col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller These old cabins were at Teskey's on Prescott Hwy before being moved in 1960's to Reg. Rd.#8 Title taken from information on envelope 2 copies different sizes & exposures Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See " Memories of the Lock Station about Hog's Back" -- See Also 80.37 BOX - A
0080003701 Teskey's Cabin's Prince of Wales Hwy at Hog's Back April 1981 2 prints col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope 2 copies different sizes & exposures Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See " Memories of the Lock Station about Hog's Back" -- See Also 80.36 BOX - A
0080003801 Old Log Cabin, Back of Bell Stone House St. Joseph Boulevard, Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston [ca.1980] 2 prints col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope 2 copies, different exposures, .1 is smaller than .2 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080003901 Old Cabin in back of Bell stone house St. Joseph Boulevard, Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston April 1981 1 print col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080004001 Limebank School S.S.#12 Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston April 1981 3 prints col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope 3 copies, different exposures Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Public School now dwelling BOX - A
0080004002 Limebank school. Limebank [2000] 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from envelope an old wooden building with a for sale sign posted on the side good donated by Joan Scott Original photo stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080004101 Limebank School, S.S. #12 Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print, 1 photograph, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a, .1b is a print Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080004201 Alexander Boyd Cabin River Road N.D. 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Cabin still stands on  same spot on property now occupied by Trevor Boyd, a direct descendant Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080004202 Alexander Boyd Cabin River Road N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Cabin still stands on  same spot on property now occupied by Trevor Boyd, a direct descendant Title taken from information on envelope .1a has rounded edges Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080004203 Log cabin built by Alexander Boyd. River Road 1830's 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from verso of photo photo shows an old log cabin from the left side surrounded by grass, shows water behind cabin. from unknown donor [ Ken Johnston] ? Original photo stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
00800043001 Dog. [Billings Bridge] ND 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from image on print shows a small dog staring at the camera two building in the background. good from the Grace Johnston collection Original print  stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080004401 Earl Armstrong in new office at opening of Town Hall May 1962 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Earl Armstrong was reeve of Gloucester 1952 - 1972. His farm was on River Road Title taken from information on envelope BOX - A
0080004501 Gravelle Shaker Cabin Notre Dame Des Champs, Navan Road photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 3 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Cabin now a hen house Title taken from information on envelope .1a&c is a different view than .1b Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080004701 Moore Family Rideau Road N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope Back row: Andrew Moore(Archies father), Wesley, Tom. Front row: Kate(Dawdall), Mrs. Andrew(Mary Anne Montgomery)Moore, Mrs. Wesley(Rebecca)Moore, Mrs. Tom(Henrietta) Moore Donated by Mrs. C Moore Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080004801 Tom Hawkins home & family Spratt Road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Now owned by Ed Findley. Tom hawkins was Earl Helem's Grandfather BOX - A
0080004901 Orange Lodge with band Manotick [after 1902] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080005001 Mr.& Mrs. Robert (Rebecca Hawkins) Helem Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Earl's Mother & Father BOX - A
0080005101 Earl Armstrong in new office at opening of town hall May 1962 1 print, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Earl Armstrong was reeve of Gloucester 1952 - 1972. His farm was on River Road Title taken from information on envelope Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080005201 Mrs. Ken (Aletha) Davidson & Miss Elizabeth Hardy at the Tudor Inn Bowesville May 23, 1951 1print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller On the occasion of the Farewell Banquet held by the Bowesville Women's Institute for the Bowesville People Title taken from information on envelope Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080005301 Earl Armstrong & Fred Hill Opening New Township Hall Reeves June 1962 2 prints, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1a  on  contact sheet paper Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080005401 Honey Gables River Road N.D. 2 prints, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Honey Gables is the old Currier (Blair) house before renovations Title taken from information on envelope .1b  on contact sheet paper Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also: 80.59.01 BOX - A
0080005501 A Hardy Child Bowesville photographed by J.D.Wallis N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b on contact sheet paper Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also: 88.3.P-12 BOX - A
0080005601 Mr. W Fenton Leitrim N.D. 2 prints, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b on contact sheet paper Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080005701 4 Hardy Sisters Bowesville N.D.  -- ---  --- 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope PHOTO MISSING Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also: 88.3.P-13 BOX - A
0080005801 Old & New Bridge Manotick [Oct. 1956 or Jan 1957] 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1a " Oct. 1956" .1b " Jan. 1957" .1b on contact sheet paper Label stuck across earlier photo ( not removeable) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080005901 Honey Gables River Road N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Honey Gables is the old Currier (Blair) house before renovations Title taken from information on envelope Donated by the Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also:80.54.01 BOX - A
0080006001 Rideauview S.S.# 11 Rideauview N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mel Rowat orthe Gloucester Glen Women's Institute Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080006101 St.Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Priests 1860 - 1938 Orleans N.D. 4 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Souvenir du 75e Anniversaire de la Fondation de la Paroisse. St. Joseph d'Orleans Ont. .1d on contact sheet paper, .1c&d enlargements, .1a&b smaller Donated by Mrs. Coté Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080006201 Mrs. Mary Mackie Dolman Ridge March 30, 1987 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope "March 30, 1987. 88 Today" Brown stain on verso Donated by Mrs. Nichol Mackie Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080006301 R.C. School, Teachers and Students. Orleans 1940 3 prints b&w inset 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1c is an enlargement of .1a&b, inset on upper left and right corners of two separate churches Donated by Mrs. Coté Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Pictures of school buildings featured in upper right & left hand corners. See Also: 80.99.1 & 80.100.1 BOX - A & XA
0080006501 Orleans R.C. school A group on the west side of the old school about 1924 (demolished 1940) [ca.1924] 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Family names represented here are Perrault, Charbonneau, Mc Neely, Vinetto, O'Conner, Duford, Montpetet, Rocque, Mantha, Brunet & Others Title taken from information on envelope .1b&c are enlargements of .1a, .1c on contact sheet paper Donated by Mrs. Coté Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080006701 St. Joseph RC church Orleans [ca. 1919] 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Coté Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080006702 St. Joseph RC church Orleans photographed by Lois Kemp 1984 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Church built in 1919 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080006801 New St. Joseph Church Orleans photographed by Ken johnston, 1981 [1981] 2 photographs b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX -A
0080007101 5 daughters of Joseph brownrigg & first wife Limebank circa 1912 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Joseph Brownrigg's daughters were Ruth, Pearl, June, Mae, Stella Title taken from verso of photograph upper right hand corner damaged Donated by Mrs. Brownrigg, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080007201 Mrs. Helem & family Limebank N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Linton, Isabel (Beggs), Earl, Mrs. Helem, Eileen dressed for a drive Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080007401 Brownrigg log home 160 years old Spratt Road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller NW 1/4, Lot22, Con 1, RF Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Brownrigg Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Sold in 1972 BOX - A
0080007501 Public school children Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080007601 Children of Joseph Brownrigg & his second wife Spratt Road, Limebank circa 1938 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Joseph Brownrigg's children from his second wife were Si, Ethel, Tom, Steve Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Brownrigg Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080007701 Robert Helem Drawing a horse Spratt Road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller names of people on wagon Title taken from information on envelope L. to R. on wagon: Robert's son Earl & Levi children - Mr. Levi on horse Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080007801 George Spratt portrait Johnston's Corners N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Married Maude Heron & lived on Johnston' Corners in the 1930's -1940's Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080007901 Uncle George helem & family Spratt Road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080008001 Major General Thomas Brownrigg portrait Spratt Road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Bownrigg, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area photo taken in Ireland BOX - A
0080008101 Mrs. Ann Spratt (nee Moore) Johnston's Corners N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Wife of 'Red' Bill mother of Herb & 4 daughters Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also: 80.90.1 BOX - A
0080008201 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Helem Sr. (nee Moore) Limebank N.D. 1print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Mr. & Mrs.Robert Helem Sr. are Earl Helem's grandparents Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080008301 Nolan farm Bowesville N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller The Nolan farm was located on lot 28, con 3 RF Title taken from information on envelope Donated by D. Nolan Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080008401 Kindle home 1979 Blair road 1979 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Was Laporte's. Log's underneath BOX - A
0080008501 Maynard & Edna Hawkins Spratt road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080008601 Robert Helem's 4 sisters Spratt road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080008701 Group photo Spratt road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller names of people in picture Title taken from image on photo Back row: Allen Spratt (son of John), William Helem, Ben Hanna, Front: Evie Cuddie, Alex Findley. Donated by Earl Helem Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080008801 Potter Boyd, Ella & Willie Hawkins Spratt road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Earl Helem, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080008901 Dave & Elizabeth Moodie (nee Hawkins) Spratt road, Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by [aunt of Earl Helem] 1979 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080009101 Andrew Spratt & wife Catherine Ellen (freeman) Leitrim N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Andrew Spratt from Leitrim Ireland, Married 1832, lived in Bowesville & Leitrim Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a tape on top border of .1b Donated by Cecil Moore Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080009201 Blais farm Leitrim N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Foch Blais, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Negatives included ,Joe Blais in right side of yard BOX - A
0080009301 Joe Blais Blais road, Hwy 31 N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Foch Blais, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Negatives included BOX - A
0080009401 Joe, Etienne & John Blais Leitrim N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Foch Blais, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Etienne was Foch's grandfather BOX - A
0080009501 3 children on Blais homestead in summer Leitrim [ca. 1925] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Foch Blais, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also : 80.98.1 BOX - A
0080009601 Patty Muldoon and dog. Leitrim N.D. 1 print, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller 1st house south of Blais. Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by Foch Blais, 1981 Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area
0080009701 Staff and / or costumers at cheese factory Leitrim N.D 3 prints, 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1c is an enlargement of .1a&b Donated by Ken Johnston, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080009801 Blais homestead Blais road, Hwy 31 N.D. 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080009901 Old R.C. school Orleans N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built in 1893 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Cote Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also : 80.100.1 BOX - A
0080010001 New R.C. School Orleans N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built in 1940 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Cote Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Taken off corner of 80.63.1, See Also 80.99.1 BOX - A
0080010101 Danis / Sorley home Beacon Hill (north) 1965 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Sorley family lived here 1949-1969. Built by Isaiah Danis ca.1870, less dormer windows. Built of pine & cedar logs, later covered with brick. Uniqueness -- both the logs were gotten from the property & bush & the brick from the heavy clay which was burnt on the property Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Donald Sorley, 1973 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080010102 Danis / Sorley home Beacon Hill (north) 1965 1 print col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Sorley family lived here 1949-1969. Built by Isaiah Danis ca.1870, less dormer windows. Built of pine & cedar logs, later covered with brick. Uniqueness -- both the logs were gotten from the property & bush & the brick from the heavy clay which was burnt on the property Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Donald Sorley, 1973 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080010201 Quarries school. Quarries about 1885 2 prints, 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1875 this school only had two rooms about 1885 Robert Hopkins was trustee Joseph McNall & Miss Taylor (teachers) Title taken from caption on photo Quarries School about 1885 Mr. Joseph McNall (teacher) .1b is an enlargement of .1a Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080010301 Maple shade farm. Beacon Hill (north) ND 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1880 on lot 18, con. 1 - Ottawa Front. House belonged to Robert Hopkins. Title taken from information on envelope .1c is an enlargement of .1b&a Donated by [Robert Hopkins] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080010401 House of James Sorley Morningside Farm 1927 2 prints b&w .1b partially handcoloured 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller The house and last section of the farm built in 1888-9. The contractor was Valentino Brooks who came from Toronto with his crew of masons and carpenters. The west half was built in 1921. The total length was 120' x 40' with stable underneath with stalls for 65 cattle tied and box stalls and bull pen for 25 - 30 calves/bull[s]. The only member of the workmen to remain in the district was Henry Green who worked as a free lance mason and bricklayer for many years. He died about 1925. The house and buildings were demolished in 1955 to make room for the new headquarters of the (national research council)and other research buildings and roads. Title taken from verso of 80.104.1b .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Sorley collection Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080010501 1st truss in place for Fred Barrett's new barn Leitrim 1928 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Fire destroyed old barn, May 1928 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080010601 New manse Long Island 1959 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Manse for Manotick & South Gloucester united church Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080010701 Old manse Long Island N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Manse for Manotick & South Gloucester united church Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080010901 Gloucester town hall 1874 - 1962 Billings Bridge N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Fred Meldrum, (clerk) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080011101 Collins home River road [ca. 1970's] 1 photograph, 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller 1822 Cpt. Stephan Collins from Connecticut & his wife became pioneer settlers at the mouth of the Jock river in Nepean. Charles, 1 of their 10 children, acquired Lot 27, B.R.P. on the river road in 1838. The house was built in 1848 to replace the 1st small log house Title taken from information on envelope .1a is an enlarged print of .1b Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080011201 Old Methodist parsonage River road at Long Island N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Now home of mr. &   Mrs. Gordon scott Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080011301 Andrew Gamble family Limebank [ca.1900] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Andrew Gamble (1825 - 1911) & Ellen (Daly) (1835 - 1916) Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Doris Barrett, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080011401 School S.S.#19 Glen Ogilvie 1900 4 copies b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built in 1878 of board & batten. Faces south on lot 21, con. 2 O.F. Around 1915 - 1920 it was stuccoed. Mr Hugh Blair (Trustee) in photo. Title taken from information on envelope handwritten on top right hand corner: " Kaye Blair" .1 larger sepia toned, .2 -2 smaller b&w, .3 enlarged b&w Donated by Mrs. George (Kay) Blair Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A & XA
0080011601 Students & teachers Limebank 1920 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of student names Title taken from information on envelope See photo in binder for an extensive list of names Donated by Mrs. Earl Armstrong Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080011701 Scouts Earl Armstrong and Jack Mowat in the old schoolyard. Limebank [ca. 1918] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by Mrs. Earl Armstrong Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area
0080011801 Miss Penninah Sloan & Miss Minnie Murray on the way to see Limebank school with horse and buggy Limebank July 1929 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080011901 Limebank entrance class 1930-31 Limebank 1930-31 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a E. Hawkins, M. Larkin, C.Moore, G. Hawkins, M. Birt, M. Caldwell, M. Spratt, R. Larkin Donated by Mrs. Earl Armstrong Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area All passed except G. Hawkins -- The teacher was Miss P. Sloan (Mrs. Earl Armstrong) BOX - A
0080012001 Limebank school students at school fair held in manotick Limebank Sept. 1931 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Earl Armstrong Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Used in the Sept. 5, 1988 "Leader"  edition -- The teacher was Miss P. Sloan (Mrs. Earl Armstrong) BOX - A
0080012101 Barrett's new barn Leitrim July 1928 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Fred Barrett Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area See Also: 80.105.01 BOX - A
0080012301 Toll house on Montreal road Vanier [ca.1915] 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller "The Montreal road, Russell road macadamized company" was formed in Gloucester township in the late 1800's with shareholders benefitting by free passage through it's 3 toll gates. This one was at what is now Riverside drive, Vanier. Others were on the Russell road & at Green's Creek Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Mrs. George (Kaye) Blair Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area Used for Calender 2000 BOX - A & XA
0080012501 Eric and Jack McCann feeding the chickens Johnston's Corners N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a, .1a has black borders Donated by Edgar O'Brien, 1979 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080012601 Children from the south Gloucester united church Sunday school picnic playing ring around the rosie Leitrim [ca.1952] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names At Fred Barrett's Title taken from information on envelope See photo in binder for an extensive list of names Donated by Doris Barrett Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080012701 Fred Barrett home Leitrim photographed by Doris Barrett N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Formerly Gowan house Title taken from information on envelope indirect front (slightly left), smaller more recent Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080012702 Fred Barrett home Leitrim photographed by Doris Barrett N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope earlier, larger, front view Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in the research area BOX - A
0080012801 Barrett family at wedding of Fred Barrett & Doris Kemp Leitrim June 1, 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope See photo in binder for an extensive list of names Donated by Doris Kemp Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080012901 Spratt family at wedding of Fred Barrett & Doris Kemp Leitrim June 1, 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope Bert, Ella & Jim, Nel, Adam Scharfe & Jessie, Merrick Spratt, Muriel, Dad, Pop Hopson & Whitney Spratt Donated by Doris Kemp Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080013001 Student & teacher in front of Leitrim public school Leitrim [ca.1910-1920] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope See photo in binder for an extensive list of names Donated by Edgar O'Brien Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area Miss V. Pratt was the teacher BOX - A
0080013101 Students at Johnston's Corners public school Johnston's Corners June 26, 1942 2 prints, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Edgar O'Brien Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080013201 Students & teacher at Johnston's Corner's public school Johnston's Corners 1917 2 prints, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Edgar O'Brien Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area the church is visible through the trees to the right & Orange hall through the trees to the right BOX - A
0080013301 Students at Johnston's Corners Johnston's Corner's Mid 1940's 2 prints, 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a See photo in binder for an extensive list of names Donated by Edgar O'Brien Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080013401 Students out front of school house Johnston's Corners 1914 1 print, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Edgar O'Brien Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080013501 School students Johnston's Corners 1914 1 print, 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope Back: ?, Melville Ritchie, ?,?,?, Gordon Duncan. Middle: Edgar O'Brien, Royce Smith, ?, Files, Tom Graham. Front: ?, Garfield Duncan (Dr.) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080013601 Heron Bother's Heron Road 1900 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Family history Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Back: Alex, Allen. Front: Gilbert, John, William Donated by William Heron, spring 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area "Very rare photo" BOX - A
0080013701 Alan Macartney home Borthwick Ridge N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Evelyn Macartney ( granddaughter) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area Demolished by NCC for Greenbelt BOX - A
0080013901 Ada M. Colby & husband Fred Fred S. Brown Borthwick Ridge 1913 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Evelyn Macartney Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area Evelyn's mother and father BOX - A
0080014001 Macartney picnic on grounds of Macdonald college St. Anne de beaupré N.D. 1print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Evelyn Macartney Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080014101 Hawthorne united church Hawthorne N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1880 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by R.J. Friesen Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See R.J. Friesen's history of the church BOX - A
0080014201 Orange hall Hawthorne N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1905. South side of Walkley road just west of the Hawthorne public school Title taken from information on envelope Photo taken from R.J. Friesen's book with permission, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080014301 Hawthorne united church, oriinal location Hawthorne N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a, .1b on thicker paper ? Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080014401 Hawthorne united church, interior view after desecration from three young vandals Hawthorne August 1972 1 print b&w 25 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by R.J. Friesen Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080014501 Hawthorne united church rededication after removal from original spot to new location. Hawthorne Nov.16, 1952 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller men standing from left to right: Cyrus Moxley, Percy Collins, Rev. Woodside, Rev. John Macaskill, George Macartney, and Allen Macartney. Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by R.J. Friesen Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX
0080014601 Looking south from Walkley road Hawthorne [1979] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller today it is still clearly evident that Hawthorne road in the distant centre background at one time had continued north to join Walkley road. Hawthorne school stood just to the right, Hawthorne post office to the left Title taken from information on envelope Donated by R.J. Friesen Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also 80. 147.1 BOX - A
0080014701 Looking south from Walkley Hawthorne [1979] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller today it is still clearly evident that Hawthorne road in the distant centre background at one time had continued north to join Walkley road. Hawthorne school stood just to the right, Hawthorne post office to the left Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders Donated by R.J. Friesen, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area Now NCC property BOX - A
0080014801 Graham home Hawthorne N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Located on the south west corner of the Russell & Walkley road intersection. Housed the original Hawthorne post office & hotel opened by A.F. Graham in 1876. Hawthorne united church can be seen in the background on the left At the original location Title taken from information on envelope Donated by R.J. Friesen, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080014901 Public school S.S. # 16 Hawthorne N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller South side of Walkley road just west of Hawthorne road. After 1960 class it's doors closed. The following year it was torn down Title taken from information on envelope Donated by R.J. Friesen, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080015001 Linton Macartney with owl he shot Ridge Road 1940's 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller newspaper article Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a headline : Dreaming of chicken feast owl laid low by buckshot Donated by R.J. Friesen Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080015101 Dancy / Smith house. Ramsayville 1917 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Located at Anderson Road and Leitrim Road. Geodetic mark in basement. Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area
0080015201 1st home of Arthur Smith Ramsayville N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Purchased in 1917.Formerly a Daney home Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Harold Wallace Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.248.1 BOX - A
0080015301 United church Leitrim N.D. 2 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Formerly Methodist church 1850's to 1925. Last service was in 1934, then used by the W.I. For social gatherings. Demolished 1950's, but graveyard remains. Lorna (Goth) Ford says her dad (Robert Goth) was santa 1952-53 when church was used in school Title taken from information on envelope .1b has rounded edges Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080015401 St. James Aglican church Leitrim N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
00800155001a Our lady of the visitation. South Gloucester ND 1print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Formerly St. Mary's. Parish established in 1845, building built in 1848 Title taken from photograph catalogue shows a laneway leading to church, keep of grass sign posted on the lawn good donated by Ken Johnston Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - XA
00800155001b Our lady of the visitation. South Gloucester N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Formerly St. Mary's. Parish established in 1845, building built in 1848 Title taken from information on envelope picture is a print of a .1a Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.197.1&80.200.1 BOX - A
0080015601 Teachers of S.S. #13 at 50th Anniversary of school. Ramsayville 1944 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope See photo binder for extensive list of names print has white borders Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080015701  50th anniversary of public school children Ramsayville 1944 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope see photo binder for extensive list of names Donated by Margaret Wallace Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080015801 Trustees at door for opening of new school S.S.# 13 Ramsayville 1953 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope photo has rounded edges (l to r standing) J. McGregor, C.Blake, J.Ramsay, Mrs. McDougall, C. Scharf, S.Whyte, G. Stewart, W. Ramsay, Mr. Wm. Ramsay in wheelchair Donated by Margaret Wallace Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080016101 David Mackie sr. home. Borthwick Ridge N.D. 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Demolished in 1960's. From a painting owned by Ken Johnston. Title taken from information on envelope Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080016201 Allan and Ellwood Childs barn. Farmer's Corners (Way) N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Demolished in 1970's. From painting owned by Ken Johnston Title taken from information on envelope .1a larger view than .1b Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080016301 Old man's shanty. Leitrim photographed by Grace Johnston N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Demolished in 1988. Located on the Albion Road south of Leitrim Road Title taken from information on envelope Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080016401 Roman catholic separate school Piperville N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Now Carlsbad recreation center on 9th line at Farmers Way Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080016501 R.C. school. Piperville N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1 has rounded edges Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080016601 Shirley Mackie, Dave Mackie's daughter Dolman Ridge 1953 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Nichol Mackie's barn was built in 1925. Poles were taken out of Boyce's bush on town line. Taken down by NCC in 1975 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by David Mackie Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.337.1 & 80.338.1 BOX - A
0080016701 Nichol Mackie's house Dolman Ridge 1939 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Father bought it in 1919. Demolished by NCC in 1974 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by David Mackie Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.168.1 BOX - A
0080016801 Nichol Mackie house Dolman Ridge 1958 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller brief history of the house This is the same house as in 80.167.1 but remodelled in 1959 Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a see photo binder for entire note [Donated by David Mackie] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.167.1 BOX - A & XA
0080016901 School section 24 Osgoode, 28 Gloucester Edwards July 1966 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Corner of County road 8 and 8th line Osgoode. Dave Mackie took it down to built a house on it. Title taken from information on envelope [Donated by David Mackie] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.170.1 BOX - A
0080017001 School section 24 Osgoode, 28 Gloucester Edwards July 1966 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Corner of County road 8 and 8th line Osgoode. Dave Mackie took it down to built a house on it. Title taken from information on envelope [Donated by David Mackie] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.169.1 BOX - A
0080017101 Glen Lea  S.S. #19 Glen Ogilvie N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Located on Star top road &Cyrville road (1956 - 1964) Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Anna Elliott, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017201 Glen Ogilvie public school Glen Ogilvie N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Glen View, corner of Anderson & Innes road (1956 - 1964) Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017301 Glen Ogilvie public school (1876 - 1956) 3rd school GlenOgilvie N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller School area was split in 1956 into 2 schools, Glen lea, 1956 - 64 & Glen View, 1956 -64.When the new school was built on centrepark Rd. in Blackburn Hamlet Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017401 School trustees/inspectors Blackburn ca.1920 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Trustees & inspectors around 1920 from following schools; Blackburn, Glen Ogilvie, Hawthorne, Hurdman's Bridge, Quarries and Ridge Title taken from information on envelope .1b is slightly larger than .1a, prints have white borders see photo binder for extensive list of names Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017501 Blackburn public school Blackburn before 1913 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller (1860 - 1913) Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a on Kodak paper Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017601 Blackburn public school (1914 - 1954) 3rd school Blackburn before 1966 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller 3rd classroom 1956 - 1963. Demolished in 1966 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017701 Blackburn public school, 4th school Blackburn N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1954, addition were in 1960, 1963, &1973 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017801 R. Clarke Cummings store and home. Cummings Island N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area very rare BOX - A
0080017802 R. Clarke Cummings store and home. Cummings Island N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .2 is a closer shot than .1, print has white borders donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080017901 Craig house. Cumming's Island N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018001 Hazelwood Elliott's barn. Blackburn N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Built in 1957 to replace old one which burnt down Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott, 1980 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018002 Hazelwood Elliott barn. Blackburn N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Hwy#31 next to the now McDonalds Title taken from information on envelope .2 is an enlargement of .1 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018101 Hazelwood Elliott home. Blackburn N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018102 Hazelwood Elliott home. Blackburn N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .2 is an enlargement of .1 Donated by Mrs. Anna Elliott Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018201 St. Mary's school (class photo) grades 1 to 4 South Gloucester 1950 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Mrs. Johnny McKenna was the teacher at that time. Photo taken at church when she taught vestry Title taken from information on envelope see photo binder for an extensive list of names Donated by M. Stockpole, names provided by Mrs. Johnny McKenna Jan.1983 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018301 St. Mary's roman catholic school. South Gloucester 1929 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope a group of children posing against a brick wall, two children are peering through the window see photo binder for an extensive list of names Donated by M. Stockpole Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018401 St. Mary's roman catholic school. South Gloucester 1931 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope see photo binder for an extensive list of names Donated by M. Stockpole Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018501 Potter Boyd's home. Blossom Park N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Now riding academy Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.206.1 BOX - A
0080018601 Former home of Harry Ellis. Ellwood ca.1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Harry Ellis lived there in the 1950's. A Mr. Wood lived near the overpass, the two names joined to form the word Ellwood Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018701 Cairn in memory of Braddish Billings Gloucester's first settler Billings Bridge 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018801 Cairn in memory of Braddish Billings, Gloucester's first settler Billings Bridge 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080018901 Green's creek 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller See Carleton Saga for information Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019001 Green's creek 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller See Carleton Saga for information Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019101 Greens creek 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller See Carleton Saga for information Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019201 Louis Perrault home Notre dame des champ 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller on the Navan road Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019301 Sabourin barn Notre dame des champ 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller on the Navan road Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Grace Johnston, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019401 Huneault garden plants Notre dame des champ 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019501 Mer Bleue 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019601 Mer Bleue 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019701 Our lady of the visitation church and rectory. South Gloucester 1910 1 print : 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders Donated by David Nolan Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area used for the back cover of the Gloucester 2000 calender & photographic exhibit for Gloucester's 150th anniversary. See also: 80.227.2 for full image BOX - A
0080019801 St.Mary's our lady of the visitation South Gloucester 1926 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Parish established in 1845, church built in 1848 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by David Nolan Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080019901 St.Mary's rectory South Gloucester 1926 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1915 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by David Nolan Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080020001 St.Mary's 60th jubilee South Gloucester Oct.26, 1926 4 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Father corkery parish priest. Ambrose Stockpole in heavycoat 3rd from right Title taken from information on envelope .1d is an enlargement of .1a&b, .1c slightly larger 80.200.1d has a 2.3cm tear on the top left recto Donated by David Mackie Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A & XA
0080020101 Ellwood public school Ellwood 1953 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Mrs. Panabaker (teacher), with Janet & Joan Pretty & Wendy MacIntyre Donated by Edna (Boyd) Pretty Goderich Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080020201 Ellwood public school Ellwood 1953 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller 100th anniversary Title taken from information on envelope Janet Pretty, Heather Johnston, Dianne Belanger, ?, ? Donated by Edna (Boyd) Pretty Goderich Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080020301 Ellwood public school Ellwood 1953 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Mrs. Panabaker (teacher), with Janet & Joan Pretty & Wendy MacIntyre Donated by Edna (Boyd) Pretty Goderich Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080020401 Potter & Elenor Boyd Blossom Park 1920's 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller the Boyd's lived on the Albion road, where the Greenbelt riding school is now Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Edna (Boyd) Pretty Goderich Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.206.1 & 80.185.1 BOX - A
0080020501 Samuel boyd family Blossom Park ca.1920 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names lived at the gates of Albion, Albion road Title taken from information on envelope Front: Potter, Mrs. Samuel Boyd (mother), Bower. Back: Ella (Hawkins), Ethel Henderson, Russell, Maude (Blair), Katie (Hay) Donated by Edna (Boyd) Pretty Goderich Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.207.1 BOX - A
0080020601 Potter Boyd's house Blossom Park 1920's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller on the west side, now part of riding school Title taken from information on envelope photo is reversed Donated by Edna (Boyd) Pretty Goderich Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.185.1 & 80.204.1 BOX - A
0080020701 Samuel Boyd family Blossom Park ca.1900 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names lived at the gates of Albion, Albion road Title taken from information on envelope Front: Sarah, Ethel, Edna, Russell, Ella. Back: Potter, Katie, Maud, Bower Donated by Marjorie (Henderson) McGale Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080020801 Samuel Boyd Blossom Park ca. 1897 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller born 1850 - died 1917 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Marjorie (Henderson) McGale Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.205.1 BOX - A
0080020901 Henderson house Blossom Park 1924 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller corner of Albion road & Highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Marjorie (Henderson) McGale Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021001 Samuel Boyd's home Blossom Park N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller On Albion road where "Gates of Albion" are now Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Marjorie (Henderson) McGale Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021101 Students & teacher in front of Ellwood public school Ellwood [ca.1915] 2 prints, 3 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller small caption about Ellwood public school. See Administrative history Ellwood public school in the early 1920's near Ledbury overpass highway 31. It is now demolished for an apartment building Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by Marjorie (Henderson) McGale Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021201 Elizabeth (Spratt) Boyd & Ann Boyd River Road N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Elizabeth & her husband Alexander came to Rideau Front ca. 1845. Ann was her grand daughter Title taken from information on envelope copy of tintype from  Marjorie (Henderson) McGale Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021301 Sam & Catherine ellen (Spratt) Boyd Blossom Park N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Sam & Catherine lived on the Albion road. Sam was the son of Alex Boyd of River road Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Marjorie (Henderson) McGale Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021401 Alexander Young Patterson Hunt Club N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller born Feb. 21, 1886 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021501 John Samuel Douglas Burnside Patterson Hunt Club N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller born April 16, 1854. Father of alexander young, john howard, Margaret (Mrs. Lloyd Sharp), Gertrude, Lillian Mary & Beatrice. Mrs. Lloyd Sharp's daughter is Elizabeth Wilma Sharp Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by the Sharp family (Lloyd) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021601 Jessie (Kettles) Sharp Carlsbad Springs 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Jessie Lived on Russell road between Anderson road & Farmer's Way. Mrs. Charles Sharp born Dec. 10, 1896, died July 24, 1941. Mother of Lloyd Kettles Title taken from information on envelope Donated by the Sharp family (Lloyd) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021701 Charles Stewart Sharp Carlsbad Springs 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Charles lived on Russell road between Anderson road & Farmer's Way. Charles born Sept. 1, 1891, died Oct. 24, 1965. Father of Lloyd Kettles Title taken from information on envelope Donated by the Sharp family (Lloyd) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021801 David, Peter, Alex, Charles, Henry, & John Sharp Carlsbad Springs [before 1900] 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Lived on lots 13 &14, con.6 Ottawa Front. These are the sons of Peter (1829 - 1907) & Isabella Stewart (1831 - 1915). Peter was a great grandfather of Lloyd. Charles was son of Peter & married Ann Hueston (May 18, 1856). John lived in Ramsayville. Charles Stewart was Lloyd Kettles Sharp's father Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a Donated by the Sharp family (Lloyd) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080021901 St. Mary's roman catholic frame school South Gloucester photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller After it was moved from it's original site into Osgoode township on highway 31, it was used for storage Title taken from information on envelope .1 is a closer view than .2 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.475.1 BOX - A
0080021902 St.Mary's roman catholic frame school South Gloucester photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller After it was moved from it's original site into Osgoode township on highway 31, it was used for storage Title taken from information on envelope .1 is a closer view than .2 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.475.1 BOX - A
0080022001 "the cornor's" looking westward Navan [ca.1910] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller St.Mary's anglican church on north side of street Title taken from information on envelope "The Cornors, Navan, Ontario Donated by Mary Jackson Collins Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022101 Village looking east Navan [ca.1910] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mary Jackson Collins Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022201 the [train] station looking north west from village to station Navan [ca.1910] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope 'The Station, Navan, Ontario" on top left corner Donated by Mary Jackson Collins Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022301 Approaching village from west Navan [ca.1910] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller St.Mary's anglican church tower on the right Title taken from information on envelope postage cancellation stamped on image, from [Ashton] Donated by Mary Jackson Collins Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022401 Main store & post office Navan [ca.1910] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Belonged to Clark's Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Mary Jackson Collins Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022501 Dow's Lake boat house Ottawa photographed by Grace Johnston Dec.1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Demolished in Jan. 1982 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022601 Roman catholic separate school site on Anderson road Dolman Ridge photographed by Ken Johnston June 1979 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Cross was put on school yard by a father of a 16 year old teacher. He thought it might ward off pranks by bigger boys. School demolished by the NCC in the 1960's Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022602 Roman catholic school site on Anderson road Dolman Ridge photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Cross was put on school yard by a father of a 16 year old teacher. He thought it might ward off pranks by bigger boys. School demolished by the NCC in the 1960's Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022701 Our lady of the visitation (St.Mary's)roman catholic church South Gloucester N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Parish started in 1845, church built in 1847 Title taken from information on envelope Donated by David Nolan Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022702 Church rectory & parishioners South Gloucester 1890 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Donated by David Nolan Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area see also 80.197.1 BOX - A
0080022801 Former Birt house Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located across from Carman Moodie's Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022802 Former Birt house Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located across from Carman Moodie's Title taken from information on envelope .2 shows log cabin to rear of the house Donated by Grace Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080022901 Limebank school in 1890's + bottom shows school fair in 1920's Limebank [photographed by David Nolan] N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo is of a newspaper article Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023001 Gloucester police station Leitrim photographed by Grace Johnston winter 1982 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Leitrim road & highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023101 Gloucester police station Leitrim photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Leitrim road & highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023201 James Johnston home Johnston's Corners N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Old stone house where the first religious service ever conducted in south Gloucester was held in 1834, then owned by James Johnston. It was sold to goth family in 1869 who still own it Title taken from information on envelope Donated by Harry Walker Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023301 Samuel Moore home Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1982 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the rideau road . Now owned by NCC Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023401 Front view of Ben Hanna home Limebank photographed by Ken Jonhston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller In 1902 construction started on the house, in 1905 construction had been completed .located on the Limebank road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023501 Side view of Ben Hanna's home Limebank photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller In 1902 construction started on the house, in 1905 construction had been completed .located on the Limebank road Title taken from information on envelope Scotch tape residue on photo Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023601 Ben Hanna barn & garage Limebank photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023701 Larken home Limebank photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Limebank & Armstrong roads Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023801 Donald Dunlop home River Road photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080023901 St. Laurent roman catholic church & rectory Carlsbad Springs photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the 8th line road. Built in 1881 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024001 St. Laurent roman catholic church & rectory Carlsbad Springs photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the 8th line road. Built in 1881 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024101 St.Laurent roman catholic church Carlsbad Springs photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the 8th line road. Built in 1881 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024201 Raymond Kemp home Ramsayville photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Russell & Anderson roads Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024301 St.Mary the virgin anglican church Blackburn photographed by A. Kennedy Johnston ca.1980 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1878 on the Navan road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area photo was taken in the summer BOX - A
0080024302 St.Mary the virgin anglican church Blackburn photographed by Ken Johnston ca.1980 1 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1878 on the Navan road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area photo was taken in the winter BOX - A
0080024401 Outhouse on the st.Mary the virgin anglican church property Blackburn photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area Winter scene BOX - A
0080024501 Frank McNeely home Blackburn photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Navan road. Now NCC property Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024601 Orient park south Blackburn photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Orient park south is a housing development just off the Innes road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024701 Carman Guest home Hawthorne photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Russell & Hawthorne roads. Carman Guest was the township clerk for many years Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024801 William Smith home Ramsayville photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Anderson & Leitrim roads Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080024901 Side view of south Gloucester united church Johnston's Corners photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025001 Linus Downey home, farm view Dolman Ridge photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located near Downey & Regional roads, west of highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025002 Linus Downey house Dolman Ridge photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located near Downey & Regional roads, west of highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025101 Linus Downey barns Dolman Ridge photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located near Downey & Regional roads, west of highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025102 Linus Downey barns Dolman Ridge photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located near Downey & Regional roads, west of highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope .1 closer than .2 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025201 Cyrville church cross Cyrville photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller The cross came from the old church (1872), Notre dame de hourdes. Now used as a memorial behind the present church Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.377.1 & 80.378.1 BOX - A
0080025301 McGregor house Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Spratt road at Regional road 8 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025401 Alex "Allie" Findley home Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Spratt road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area picture of Alex Findley in group #87 BOX - A
0080025501 David Gamble home Limebank photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Home of Mr. & Mrs. David Gamble (nee Mildred Boyce) on Rideau & Spratt road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025601 Ed Findlay home Limebank photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Spratt road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025701 Burton Gordon home Limebank photographed by Grace Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Rideau road between Spratt road & Limebank Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080025801 Bernard O'Brien home Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Limebank road. It's a loghouse with siding Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026001 Carman Moodie home Limebank N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the corner of Limebank and Armstrong roads, this is the Moodie's second house. Title taken from information on envelope donated by Mrs. C. Moodie Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.383.1 BOX - A
0080026101 Kristi & Peter Johnston Johnston's Corners photographed by Grace Johnston 1979 1 print b&w 9 x 9 Kristi & Peter are standing at the gravestone of their great, great, great grandfather in the presbyterian cemetary at the Albion & High roads. The cemetary is now the Rideau Carleton Raceway property. James Johnston was the community's first settler Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026201 Trees Johnston's Corners 1979 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller these trees were planted by Allen Johnston (d:1968) for Gloucester township in the 1930's along Hwy 31 & Rideau road Title taken from information on envelope .1 different angle than .2 donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026202 Trees Johnston's Corners 1979 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller these trees were planted by Allen Johnston (d:1968) for Gloucester township in the 1930's along Hwy 31 & Rideau road Title taken from information on envelope .1 different angle than .2 donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026301 Finlay / Birt farm Leitrim photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on highway 31 and Blais road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026401 Finlay / Birt home Leitrim N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on highway 31 and Blais road Title taken from information on envelope verso of picture slightly ripped [donated by Maggie & Mike Finlay] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026501 Grant Marshall home Leitrim photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller this log cabin later became the Imperial Nursery Title taken from information on envelope recto of picture slightly ripped near upper middle Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026601 Ken Boyd home River Road photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller second Boyd house, built in the 1870's Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also 80.42.1 BOX - A
0080026701 Pat Collins home Black Rapids photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the River Road near Black Rapids Title taken from information on envelope side view Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026801 William Nolan family & home South Gloucester [ca.1900] 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller north of Our lady of the visitation. Later became Ted Jennings then demolished Title taken from information on envelope .1 has borders and slightly smaller than .2 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026802 William Nolan family & home South Gloucester [ca.1900] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller north of Our lady of the visitation. Later became Ted Jennings then demolished Title taken from information on envelope .1 has borders and slightly smaller than .2 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080026901 Orange hall Johnston's Corner's 1977 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the north east corner of Rideau and Albion Roads. Directly north of the church. Built in 1891, torn down 1977 Title taken from information on envelope photograph has rounded edges donated by Lois Long Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080027001 Johnston home Johnston's Corners photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Albion & Rideau roads. Logs underneath. Owners included William Lee, Kennedy, Allan & S. Johnston Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080027201 Mrs. Nellie Johnson Carlsbad Springs 1984 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Nellie Johnson was the last proprietor of the Johnson Hotel. She is holding a plaque from the Ontario ministry of culture on her 90th birthday. Picture taken at her home in Smith Falls Title taken from information on envelope donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080027401 Tommy Robinson's old barns Leitrim 1981 1 photograph; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on highway 31 Title taken from information on envelope donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080027501 Kelly's barn Leitrim photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on highway 31. Demolished in June 1984 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80. 277.1 BOX - A
0080027701 Kelly's barn Leitrim N.D. 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on highway 31. Demolished in June 1984 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80. 275.1 BOX - A
0080027801 Leitrim public school S.S. #7 Leitrim photographed by Grace Johnston [1936-1939] 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Leitrim road & Hwy.31. Demolished in the 1950's. it was on site of north parking lot of Gloucester police station. Photo taken while Grace was teacher there. Title taken from information on envelope photo is beginning to fade Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080027901 Kindle root house Rothwell Heights photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Blair Road. Former property of Laporte. Built in 1870's. used in " Le Guide de Gloucester" Avril 1980 article Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.84.1 BOX - A
0080027902 Kindle root house Rothwell Heights photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Blair Road. Former property of Laporte. Built in 1870's. used in " Le Guide de Gloucester" Avril 1980 article Title taken from information on envelope photographs have rounded edges .2a has a minor ink stain on the left side Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.84.1 BOX - A
0080028101 Sadler log cabin Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller this old cabin is located on Bruce Moodie's farm Title taken from information on envelope Side view .photographs have rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080028102 Sadler log cabin Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller this old cabin is located on Bruce Moodie's farm Title taken from information on envelope photographs have rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080028201 Sabourin home Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Limebank road, south part of the former Lecuyer property Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080028301 Johnson's boarding house Carlsbad Springs N.D. 2 photocopies b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Side view donated by Nellie Johnson Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080028401 Horse Carlsbad Springs N.D. 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Stabling for teams at rear of Johnson hotel Title taken from information on envelope donated by Nellie Johnson, 1984 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080028501 Bell stone house Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on St. Joseph Boulevard. It was a stopping place. Old cabins in the back of property Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.38.1 & 80.39.1 BOX - A
0080028502 Bell stone house Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on St. Joseph Boulevard. It was a stopping place. Old cabins in the back of property Title taken from information on envelope print has rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.38.1 & 80.39.1 BOX - A
0080028601 Bell stone house Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on St. Joseph Boulevard. It was a stopping place. Old cabins in the back of property Title taken from information on envelope Side view Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080028701 Ramsayville public school S.S. # 13 Ramsayville N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller built in 1894. Now top generation center Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area For a blow up of this picture see School files "History of Ramsayville School" BOX - A
0080028801 Public school S.S.# 27 Borthwick Ridge [1970's] 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Anderson road. this public school was converted into a house. See David Mackie's model Title taken from information on envelope donated by Ken Johnston, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.507.1 BOX - A
0080028802 Public school S.S.# 27 Borthwick Ridge [1970's] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Anderson road. this public school was converted into a house. See David Mackie's model Title taken from information on envelope print has rounded edges donated by Ken Johnston, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.507.1 BOX - A
0080028901 Public school S.S.# 19 Glen Ogilvie N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Innes Road. Later used as iron works. Title taken from information on envelope print has rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080029001 New Ridge road public school S.S.# 27 Ridge Road photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller on the Anderson road. Opposite corner from old school Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080029002 New Ridge road public school S.S. # 27 Ridge Road photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller on the Anderson road. Opposite corner from old school Title taken from information on envelope print has rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080029101 Armstrong farm River Road photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080029201 Fire hall Cyrville photographed by Ken Johnston 1979 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller 1950-1970 fire hall, later used for storage & garage. There used to be a works department building to the left, which was torn down in 1978. Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area a car can be seen driving through picture on left BOX - A
0080029202 Fire hall Cyrville photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller 1950-1970 fire hall, later used for storage & garage. There used to be a works department building to the left, which was torn down in 1978. Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area image on picture slightly blurred BOX - A
0080029401 Fire hall Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Jean d'arc boulevard Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080029501 Fire hall Leitrim photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080029701 South fire hall Glen Ogilvie photographed by Ken Johnston 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on Blair at Innes Road Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080030001 Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) & friends Black Rapids 1930's 1 print, 3 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Andy Peacock, "Cammy" Balcombe (Forbes), Johnny Miller & Barney (dog) are sitting on the ground in front of a house. Barney made headlines in Ottawa paper as golfing dog. Title taken from information on envelope donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - A
0080030101 Cammy Balcombe helping lockman Bob Fraser. Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller with Marjory and Evelen Kealey Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by Camilla (Balcombe) Forbes Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080030201 Fishing off the apron Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080030301 Charlie Deitz going through locks Black Rapids 1940's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Charlie Deitz was a pressman for "The Ottawa Journal" Title taken from information on envelope donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080030401 Diver ready to repair locks Black Rapids 1930's 2 prints b&w .1b on yellow cardboard matting 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller other people in the photo are George Balcombe (Lockmaster), son Frank Balcombe, Laframboise (diver), Paddy Kealey Title taken from information on envelope .1b is an enlargement of .1a donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B & XA
0080030501 "The Loretta" Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller photo shows the loretta a government boat going through the locks Title taken from information on envelope donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.341.1 BOX - B
0080030601 Lockman Bob Fraser's retirement party on Victory hill Black Rapids before 1939 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller list of names Title taken from information on envelope in foreground: Bob Fraser in center, Donny & Barry Cox on either side. Back row: Iris roach, Cammy Balcombe, Joan & Verna Kenny, Frank Balcombe, George Balcombe. See photo binder for more names donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080030701 Lockmaster's house Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Chicken house & barn. Locks on west side of Rideau Title taken from information on envelope donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080030801 Lockmaster's horses Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller the lockmaster at this time was George Balcombe. The horses names were "Lena" the mare & "Kit" the colt Title taken from information on envelope donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080030901 Phyl Chislett Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Shannon's houseboat and locks in background. Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031001 Lockmaster George Balcombe Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller George Balcombe was lockmaster from 1918 - 1935 & 1939 - 1947 Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031101 Mrs. George Balcombe Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Mrs. George Balcombe was the Lockmaster's wife Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031201 Camilla Balcombe (Forbes) Black Rapids 1944 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Camilla was the lockmasters daughter Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031301 Frank Balcombe Black Rapids 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Frank with fish. Was the lockmasters son. Lockmasters house in background on right Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031401 Lockmaster George Balcombe Black Rapids 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller George with a Maskinonge Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031501 Lockmaster George Balcombe Black Rapids 1943 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Lockmaster with his son Frank and his daughter Camilla. Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031601 Camilla Balcombe & friend Black Rapids 1940 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Lockmaster's daughter & friend Violet Humphrey's locking a boat Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031701 Haying Black Rapids 1940's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Camilla Balcombe, Violet Humphrey's, Bud Slack, and Herb Slack on wagon Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031801 Cultivating the potato crop Black Rapids 1930's 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller George Balcombe & Fred Jeffery Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080031901 Lockhouse about WWII Black Rapids ca. 1940 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Viola Fields standing in front of a pine tree. Locks on the west side of Rideau. Bob lived on top, supplies were below. Balcombe committed 1939 - 1946 Title taken from information on envelope [donated by Camilla Balcombe (Forbes)] Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080032001 Camilla (Balcombe) Forbes. Black Rapids 1930's 1 print, 3 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Lockmaster's daughter in front of lock sign. Cottagers on hill were Fagan, Bush, and Gray. Cottagers below hill on shoreline were Roach, Whitmore, Tuttle, Ewers, and Dale. Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by Camilla (Balcombe) Forbes Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080032101 Westley Alexander Hawthorne ca.1914 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Westley served in WWI. Grandfather of Orville Davidson Title taken from information on envelope donated by Orville Davidson Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080032201 Family of James & Eliza Jane Alexander Hawthorne ca. 1910 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Orville Davidson Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080032301 Women's institute members Gloucester Glen 1950 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller photo taken at Brownrigg at Downey Road list of names on verso Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080032401 Andre Laporte on his way to market. Rothwell Heights ca.1919 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by Andre Laporte Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080032501 Andre Laporte's birthplace near swan's way Rothwell Heights N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on Blair Road Title taken from information on envelope donated by Andre Laporte Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080032601 Andre Laporte with wife after marriage Beacon Hill South ca.1918 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller on their way to go shopping on a one horse buggy. Laporte Street is named after him. His farm was in that area before development. Title taken from information on envelope donated by Andre Laporte Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.340.1, 80.84.1, & 80.279.1 BOX - B
0080032701 Copy of Harry Watson calander Long Island N.D. 1 print, 2 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller things in photo include: first public school, old swing bridge, presbyterian church, the "Olive", wharf building, and three people in a row boat on the Rideau river Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area photo has 2 accession numbers: 80.327.1 & 80.328.1 BOX - XA
0080032901 Long Island dam Long Island [1973] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Mel Rowat Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080033001 Mel Rowat & mother Long Island Aug 1959 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Mel Rowat Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080033101 Locks Long Island N.D. 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo has rounded edges donated by Mel Rowat Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080033201 Stolen car Long Island [1975] 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Mel Rowat Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080033301 Lockmaster's house & Mel Rowat's house Long Island N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Taken from Long Island showing the lockmaster's at left and Rowat house with barn at right .1a has rounded edges .1b is enlarged donated by Mel Rowat Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080033401 Locks from base Long Island 1976 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Long Island looking at locks .1a has rounded edges .1b is enlarged donated by Mel Rowat Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080033501 Presbyterian church Johnston's Corners N.D. 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Church on road to [Hurds] lake similar to presbyterian one at raceway at Johnston's Corners 1845-1880. photo given to Grace Johnston from Henry Walker, 1968 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area photo has second Acc# 80.336.1 BOX - XA
0080033701 Albert Smith's store. Leitrim 1930's 1 print; 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Robert Kemp Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.369.1, 80.370.1, 80.586.1, 80.587.1 BOX - B
0080033801 Nichol Mackie home Dolman Ridge early 1930's 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller photo taken in the early 1930's. Built before 1900. Demolished  by NCC Title taken from information on envelope see administrative history donated by Dave Mackie Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.166.1, 80.167.1, 80.168.1, 80.339.1 BOX - B
0080033901 Nichol Mackie home after beautification Dolman Ridge 1938 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller 1938 after renovation for home beautification Ramsayville W.I. 1st prize Title taken from information on envelope see administrative history donated by Dave Mackie Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.166.1, 80.167.1, 80.168.1, 80.338.1 BOX - B
0080034001 Andre Laporte in garden Beacon Hill South 1980 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Andre Laporte lives on Laporte street, which was named after him. Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.326.1, 80.84.1, 80.279.1 BOX - B
0080034101 The "Loretta" at Long Island, Captain Edward Fleming. Long Island Muriel (Slack) Hodges N.D. 1 print; 1 negative b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller government inspector's boat on the rideau. Captain Edward Fleming at the helm. Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area photo has second Acc#80.342.1, See Also: 80.305.1 BOX - XA
0080034301 Looking southwest from locks Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080034401 Steps at locks Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080034501 Lockmaster's house in winter Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Lockman's house occupied by John Stanley Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080034601 2 unidentified men on a quiet summer afternoon at top of locks Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on insert card donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080034701 Navy boats on the way from Kingston to Ottawa Long Island 1951 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller five or seven navy boats went through Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.348.1 BOX - B
0080034801 Navy boats on way from Kingston to Ottawa Long Island 1951 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.347.1 BOX - B
0080034901 Spring flood on the back channel Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035001 Spring flood on the back channel Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035101 Boat passing through locks Long Island 1948 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035201 Sunday afternoon, visitors at locks Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on insert card donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035301 Lockmaster Peter Kennedy & Lockman John Stanley Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035401 Lower locks, spring flood Long Island 1948 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on insert card donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035501 Spring flood on the back channel Long Island Feb. 1949 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035601 Lockman's house Long Island Spring 1948 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035701 Lower wharf Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035801 spring flood on back channel Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080035901 Spring flood on back channel Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area 80.360.1 is blank BOX - B
0080036101 4 unidentified people sitting on top of wharf Long Island summer 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from image on photo donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036201 Peter Kennedy, lockmaster 1946. Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from caption on photo donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036301 Back channel Long Island 1949 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036401 Locks Long Island 1948 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036501 Locks Long Island 1946 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Florence Reid Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036601 Charlie Mowat's barn, opening the road. River Road April 1944 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Claire Vanden Bosch Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036701 Walter Collins cows watering  on the Rideau River Road N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller became the future site of Walter Upton Collins park Title taken from information on envelope photo has white borders donated by Claire Vanden Bosch Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036801 Steam train at crossing. Carlsbad Springs June 1965 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders donated by Mildred (Hall) Duplantis Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080036901 Kemp's garage Leitrim 1961 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located at the corner of Leitrim road & highway 31. Image shows Robert Kemp servicing a police cruiser Title taken from information on envelope donated by Robert Kemp Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.337.1, 80.586.1, 80.587.1. Picture has 2 accession numbers 80.369 & 80.370.1 BOX - XA
0080037101 Johnston / Nolan / Borgia home Johnston's Corners N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Clipping from Gloucester guide from "Le guide de Gloucester" located on Bowesville Road south Title taken from information on envelope donated by Ken Johnston Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037201 Hunt Club bridge construction Bowesville Road North Grace Johnston 1981 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Bridge opened in 1985 Title taken from information on envelope .1a is taken at a different angle than .1b Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037301 Mantha's home Innes Road East N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo from the NCC Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See the Leader page 9, October 1986 BOX - B
0080037401 Mantha's milk house Innes Road East photographed by Ken Johnston [ca.1980] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo has  white borders Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037402 Mantha's milkhouse Innes Road East photographed by Ken Johnston [ca.1980] 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo has white borders, smaller print than .1 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037403 Mantha's milkhouse Innes Road East photographed by Ken Johnston [ca.1980] 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037404 Mantha's milkhouse Innes Road East photographed by Ken Johnston [ca.1980] 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037501 Presbyterian church at Albion Road Blossom Park photographed by Grace Johnston N.D. 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See also demolition photos June 1990 BOX - B
0080037601 T.A. & James Spratt home Hawthorne N.D. 1 photocopy b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller A tall hedge and row of poplar trees are the only reminders of Hedgedale Farm on Walkley Road which T.A. Spratt and son J.E. Spratt farmed. In 1947 it was expropriated for the site of the new Union Station. In 1950 the city of Ottawa extended its boundaries and annexed a large area in Gloucester Title taken from information on envelope see administrative history photocopy of house with a paragraph of history typed above Lois Kemp has original photograph Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037701 Portrait of Roman Catholic church Cyrville N.D. 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Portrait is on a large screen (in basement of new church) of old Cyrville R.C. church, Notre Dame des Lourdes 1873 Title taken from information on envelope donated by Gilles Seguin Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.252.1,  Mr. Goddard caretaker BOX - B
0080037801 Notre dame de lourdes Cyrville [1928] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on insert card "La Presànte Eglise" written on verso donated by Giséle Goddard Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.377.1, 80.252.1, 80.566.1 BOX - B
0080037802 Notre dame de lourdes Cyrville [photographed by Ken Johnston] [ca.1980] 1 photograph col 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on insert card Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080037901 Munro house Glen Ogilvie 1984 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located east of Green's creek on Innes Road Title taken from information on envelope photo has rounded edges photo from the NCC Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080038001 Bradley farm Blackburn N.D. 1 photocopy b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Five generations of Bradley's have resided on this farm originally purchased by William Bradley and Charlotte (Morris)in 1878. William was the son of Joshua Bradley of Hazeldean and came to the Blackburn area in the early 1860's. they had 15 children - all went west but William Albert who remained on the farm and John Thomas who settled in Navan. Present owners of the farm are Keith and Marlene (McIntyre, Burritts Rapids) and family Title taken from information on envelope see administrative history photocopy of house with a paragraph of history typed below Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080038201 Moodie / Caldwell / Brossart house Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1960's 1 photograph b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller historical write up by Ken Johnston Title taken from information on envelope see photo binder for accompanying material Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See history of south Gloucester united church by Grace Johnston BOX - B
0080038301 Dave Moodie's first home Limebank [photographed by Ken Johnston] 1981 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller this cabin is the original dwelling of C. Moodie Title taken from information on envelope photo has  white borders Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.260.1 BOX - B
0080038501 Youville farm granary Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston 1980 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Formerly Grey nuns convent. Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.682-4.1, 80.386.1, 80.384.1. & The Leader November 1986, page 7 BOX - B
0080038601 Grey nuns convent Orleans photographed by Ken Johnston [ca.1980] 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo has rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.682-4.1, 80.385.1, 80.384.1. & The Leader November 1986, page 7 BOX - B
0080038701 Laporte / Kindle barn Rothwell Heights photographed by Ken Johnston 1979 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo has rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.84.1, 80.279.1 BOX - B
0080038901 Basil Flood's log cabin Limebank photographed by Ken Johnston 1979 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo has rounded edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080039001 Eddy Robinson's home Notre dame des champs photographed by Ken Johnston N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller point form notes about dwelling, January 17, 1981 this log shanty, located on the 4th line,  was used at time of lumbering camp in vicinity Title taken from information on envelope photo has rounded edges with white borders see photo binder for accompanying material Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080039101 Louis Perrault farm Notre dame des champs photographed by Ken Johnston N.D. 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Navan Road Title taken from information on envelope photos have round edges Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.192-4.1, 80.392.1 BOX - B
0080039102 Louis Perrault farm Notre dame des champs photographed by Ken Johnston N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller located on the Navan Road Title taken from information on envelope photo has white borders Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.192-4.1, 80.392.1 BOX - B
0080039201 Louis Perrault farm Notre dame des champs 1981 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller William Perrault bought this farm in 1871 - on the Navan Road - now occupied by a direct descendant [of] Louis Perrault and family Title taken from information on envelope see administrative history donated by H. (Anna) Elliott Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area  See Also: 80.192-4.1, 80.391.1 & The Leader September 1982, page 5 BOX - B
0080039301 Gloucester Lt. Maurice Madore with '47 fire truck. Gloucester Feb.24, 1982 1 print; 2 negatives b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Fire lt. Maurice Madore rides on the runner of a 1947 Ford fire truck given to the Gloucester  Fire Department by the Rideau Carleton Raceway in 1974. The truck was retired by council in 1982 and returned to its original home in Fitzroy  Harbour. Title taken from Ottawa Citizen article print has white borders courtesy  of the  Ottawa Citizen Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area photo used in the 2000 calender BOX - XA
0080039501 Dave Mackie's farm house door South Gloucester photographed by Ken Johnston 1982 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080039601 Lock house Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.398.1 (closer view of house) BOX - B
0080039701 Looking east towards carleton university Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller the lockman's house Arthur Dale & family lived in, was located about where that dead spruce is in the background Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080039801 Lock house Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area See Also: 80.396.1 BOX - B
0080039901 A dog wandering past locks resembles wolf Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on insert card Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040001 Hog's back lockmasters house, once hartwell's Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope .1a taken at a different angle than.1b Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040002 Hartwell Locks, showing "crab" to open and close locks Hog's Back photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040101 Sunset at lockman's house Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 1 photograph col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Carleton university purchased 152 acres at Hartwell's in 1957. The lockmen's houses on the east side were moved at that time to the west side, except one which travelled to Hog's Back where it now stands. Title taken from information on envelope see administrative history Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040201 Winter scene at Carleton university Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040301 Lockmen's houses in winter Hartwell Locks photographed by Grace Johnston 1982 2 photographs col. 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040401 Sketch showing weir Long Island Parks Canada, Rideau canal office early 1800's 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040501 Sketch showing wier Long Island Parks Canada, Rideau canal office 1982 early 1800's 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040601 Boats leaving canal Long Island Parks Canada, Rideau canal office 1982 [1970's] 3 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040701 Lockmaster's house Long Island Parks Canada, Rideau canal office 1982 N.D. 2 prints b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040801 Hall's farm Carlsbad Springs Feb.1952 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope donated by Mildred (Hall) Duplantis Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080040901 Sketch Black Rapids Parks Canada, Rideau canal office [early 1800's] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041001 Lockmaster's house Hog's Back N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller The background shows a house moved from Hartwell locks. Demolished in 1952-3 Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041101 Lockmaster's house Black Rapids Parks Canada, Rideau canal office [early 1900's] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041201 Lockmaster's home Black Rapids Parks Canada, Rideau canal office N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041301 Lockman's home Hog's Back Parks Canada, Rideau canal office N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041401 Store house Hog's Back Parks Canada, Rideau canal office N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041501 Unidentified lockmen's house Rideau River Parks Canada, Rideau canal office N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041601 Unidentified lockman's home Rideau River Parks Canada, Rideau canal office N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041701 Locks Black Rapids Parks Canada, Rideau canal office [early 1800's] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041801 Lockmaster's house Hartwell Locks Parks Canada, Rideau canal office [early 1900's] 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller photo taken in the fall or spring Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080041901 Lockmaster's house Hartwell Locks Parks Canada, Rideau canal office N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Still stands on the west side of the canal. The walls are at least 2 feet thick. From the building a gun could point at the enemy up river or at the locks, but cannonballs weren't used as the enemy never came. Title taken from information on envelope Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080042001 Winter scene Long Island N.D. 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope photo has white borders donated by Mel Rowat, 1981 Original copy stored in archives Copies can be found in the photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080042101 Locking a boat at locks. Hartwell Locks Parks Canada, Rideau Canal office 1942 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller Title taken from information on envelope print has white borders Original print stored in archives Copies can be found in photo binder located in research area BOX - B
0080042201 Lockman's house ready to be moved Hartwell Locks Parks Canada, Rideau canal office 1957 1 print b&w 25.5 x 20.5 or smaller The house was being moved to Hog's Back Lock's Title taken from information on envel